January 26, 2011

A Few Bits of Blog Business

Just wanted to let you guys know about a few recent changes to GB Savers! First, I finally broke down and bought a domain so you can now access GB Savers directly at www.gbsavers.com!! If you happen to have the old blogspot address bookmarked or in your RSS reader it should automatically re-direct you. If for some reason it does not or you have any trouble, please let me know.

Second, if you are hipper than me and have a mobile phone that can access the web, you can now access the mobile version of GB Savers. It's like GB Savers "lite"... just the content, no sidebars. Figure that might come in handy if you want to look at a deal list while you are actually at the store!

This has been around for while but I haven't really mentioned it. If you happen to use Twitter you can follow GB Savers on Twitter here. All the blog posts are set to automatically appear there as well as Facebook.

One last thing, don't forget to enter the $40 CSN giveaway! I'll pick the winner in 2 days!

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