August 30, 2008

I was FLOATING with excitement...

Okay - For the record, I did not go back to get the FOUR 1.75 qt's of Ice cream for this picture so pretend it is there, okay....and I'm not an expert at the whole "listing each item thing" so bare with me.
First, I went to CVS, not pictured here and spent $15 in cash (Shelly and Theresa, don't cringe that I spent more than one dollar) but I got back $28 in ECB's - I felt really good about that, then I went to Walgreens...

This picture is from my $90 purchase at Walgreens - minus the ice cream. So, here is the rough breakdown...
My total started at right around $90, but my subtotal with all of my coupons taken off (including the $10 off $40) was 52.34; when i got home I found 4.34 in errors (plus tax) but when I went back today to get it corrected, they totalled them up as $7.53; plus I have $34.76 so far in rebates coming back so with tax I paid $12.99. WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO

I had to call Shelly that evening because I was so excited and so confused as to whether or not I should have gotten more FREE after Rebate Items right away. I think she straightened me out and I was back there today getting my refund and two more rebate items - but Theresa probably took the last Excedrin :))))))) Shelly, I forgot all about the whole Glade thing when I went today so maybe I missed out on that deal.

I felt like a really frugal wife and mother after this trip. I did find every coupon I was supposed to to make it all work out - thanks to now buying TWO Chicago Tribunes each weekend. I was also excited to just FIND the items that I was looking for - I took the one and only Pert - after trying all month to get it, plus I took the last two Spray and Wash - this all made me just tickled as I walked around the store. So I still do love Walgreens too!

August 28, 2008


Hey all - don't forget to send in your REBATES - for Walgreens and Kelloggs and, and.... watch those deadlines -especially if you are new to this REBATE thing.

August 21, 2008

How to change printer setting?

Dear Ladies - I have my installed Coupon Printer set to a printer that no longer works and I have no idea how to change it...I have missed out on all sorts of coupons b/c I forget about it and then hit the print and and it never prints but the company says "thanks for printing your coupon" and I got nothing (cry!)...anyone know how I can fix this?

My other sad story for the week is that I let me latest $5 RR go to waste b/c I didn't shop at Walgreens for 2 weeks and found it the day after it expired. That is much for taking a break from saving and not feeling bad about it!

August 18, 2008

Printable coupons

Here are some printable coupons

Minute Maid
Arm & Hammer - good for several different products
$1.25 Slim Fast

Rebate for FREE Arm & Hammer Essentials

Here is a link for a rebate you can download for Free Arm & Hammer Essentials. Here is also a $1 off coupon which can be printed twice.

August 13, 2008

Bought almost $134 worth of groceries for less than $52 at Copps

Hello everyone

I just wanted to show you some deals I made at Copps today. Thanks to Shelly for letting me know about the coupons for FREE items that were available at the Pig in De Pere. I went there yesterday and got about 5 sets. I then took a lot of the coupons today to Copps because I knew they were having some good sales.

They have Kool-Aid for $0.10 each which is a Kraft product. I bought 9 packets and got 3 items for free.

They also have Kraft Mac and Cheese on sale for $0.48, so I bought a lot of those (15 boxes) and got 5 more items for free.

I also bought 3 pkgs of Kraft Cheese singles which were on sale for $1.88 and got one more free item. The free items were: Crystal Light, Oscar Meyer hot dogs, Kraft dressing and Wheat Thins.

Another great deal going on this week at Copps is Huggies Clean team refills are on sale 2/$3. If you have a coupon from the paper a few weeks ago (sorry, don't remember which week), you can get 2 packages for FREE!!!

August 11, 2008

Good First Try at CVS

If you are new to CVS and want a simple deal for your first trip....try this moneymaker:

1 Alavert on sale for $5.99 get 3 ECBs back and use this $4 off printable coupon
1 Children's Advil for $5.79 get 5.79 ECBs back and use this $1 off printable coupon
-2 off 10 CVS coupon (email me if you need this)
-4 off Alavert coupon
-1 off Advil coupon
Spend $4.78 plus tax OOP
Get $8.79 back in ECBs making you just over $4 in ECBs

Great Coupons

You know those great coupons in the All You magazine that are buy 3 Kraft items get a FREE Wheat Thins/Dressing/Hot Dog/Crystal Light/Kraft Singles? Well, I was going to try one out at Piggly Wiggly since Kool Aid is on sale there for 15 cents. Guess what was right in front of the Wheat Thins?? A tear pad with the same exact 5 coupons!!!!! The only difference is they expire a bit sooner (8/31).

I bought 3 Kool Aid lemonade packets for 45 cents and got a free box of Wheat Thins with the tear pad coupon and saved my All You coupon for another time. It worked flawlessly! I grabbed 2 of each coupon and will try and use them before they expire. As much as I wanted to grab the whole tear pad...I restrained myself and left some for the rest of you! :)

So keep an eye out for that tear pad. I'm guessing they could be by any Kraft/Nabisco/Oscar Mayer product. But at the DP PW they are right by the Wheat Thins.

The Anatomy of a CVS List

Jerry works close to the CVS on Mason Street. When there are more deals in a week than I can get to or my CVS is out of stock on something I will occasionally ask Jer to head over there on his lunch break. It saves gas and gets one extra CVS trip in!

When I send Jerry to CVS to do a deal for me this is how I do it. This method may or may not work for you! :) I try to stick with simple, straightforward deals...nothing too complicated.

Part 1: The List
Make it as detailed as possible. Include pictures especially when including products husbands may not even know exist. Make it easy for them to match the picture to the product. Include prices and remind them that if the price doesn't match then that is probably not the right product.
Part 2: The Coupons
Put all the coupons in the order that you want them given to the cashier. Then, and this is very important, paper clip them together so none get lost under the seat of the car or blow away in the parking lot.

Part 3: Do the Math and ECBs
Do all the math and give them the proper number of ECBs and figure out how much it will be OOP. This is another good double check. If the total isn't right then something is wrong!
Part 4: The Red Box
You may or may not want to have them scan your card at the red box. I have had both good and bad luck with this. If the red box is used remind them NOT to throw the coupons away even if the coupons are for "stuff we'd never buy anyway".

Part 5: Back Up Plan
You might want to tell them that if the deal can't be done just forget it. But if you are brave then you can add a few back up plan items to the list.

Part 6: No impulse buys
Buying a candy bar because you are starving or a nice ice cold soda will screw up the math! Proceed at your own risk!

Part 7: Thank You
Don't forget to say thanks! :)

Jerry usually does great. He always gets a kick out of the cashier who gets all excited that he spends so little. When I ask he usually rolls his eyes (CVS again!) but since he knows how much it saves so he is willing to do it for me!

August 10, 2008

Cub Foods 10 for $10 Sale

Be sure and check out the Cub foods ad this week. They are having another 10 for $10 sale with many good products. You can mix and match, so you don't have to get 10 of the same product. Several products have coupons out right now too. Some items I'll have on my list:
Pizza Rolls
Scott paper towels
Pork chops and ribs
Old Orchard 100% juice (frozen)

Maybe later I'll post coupon links or insert info for coupons...

August 5, 2008

Coupon Organization

Here is a website that describes 4 different ways you can organize coupons and the pros and cons for each.  Hope you find it useful.

Couple coupon links

Children's Advil $1 off-use to make money at CVS this month
Vlasic $1 coupon-use to get free relish or cheap pickles at Cub or Walmart (save as pdf and print off a few each time you head to the store)

If you see any others we could use don't forget to share them!

Kellogg's Moneymaker at Walgreens (Tuesday through Saturday only!)

Buy 4 Kellogg's cereals @ 4 for $10, see page 1 (use two $1 off coupons from today's Kellogg's insert)
Buy 6 Kellogg's snacks @ 5 for $10, see page 3 (use three $1 off coupons from today's Kellogg's insert)

Total $20
-$5 in coupons

Spend $15
Get $10 in RR

Fill out $10 rebate from Kellogg's insert (has to be 8/5 or later and all in one transaction)

Make $5 profit!!!!!!!

August 4, 2008

New $2 off $10 CVS Coupon!!!!!!

Here you go!! Print off several it doesn't expire until September 28th!!!!!!!

*To use this most effectively keep your total right just over $10. If you want to buy $30 worth of stuff break it into 3 transactions.

August 2, 2008

Sunday Paper 8/3

Coupon Mom says it's going to be an awesome coupon paper tomorrow. So you might want to pick up extra copies...